
We are sole distributor of filter system Lafonte (ITALY), We have our assembly unit & office at Mumbai. We can offer you best quality of filter systems for all the application in electroplating industry. (Filters for electroless Nickel, hard chrome, etching chrome, activator, acid copper, Nickel Plating, continuous sating Nickel plating, zinc plating etc.)

Few facts about us


Since 1969

J.K. Brothers, established in 1969 was started as a small trading unit by Mr. shailesh Shah. Supplying basic raw materials for ABS Electroplaters (Plating on Plastic) and Anodizing.

Headed by Mr. Kaushal Shah

Mr.Kaushal Shah joined his Fathers business as a helping hand and jointly they promoted and spread this business across all over India.
- Soon JK Brothers started manufacturing formulated products like organic Brighteners for siver plating and Supporting products for Bright Silver and Gold Plating.
- Company is also engaged in recovering and refining precious metals from production rejects, scrap, spent catalyst, sludges etc.

ABS / POP Plating

- Our clients for POP Plating (Plating on Plastic) are vendors of Giant Auto industries across India.

International collaborations

- La Fonte (Italy) - Filter manufacturing company
- Giussani (Italy) - IGBT Rectifiers
- Airtec Mueku (Germany) - Exhaust Air Purification
- Blue Water Technology (Italy) - ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge)

Our Collaborations

This video shows the efficiency of the disk filter using carbon pack process

See our

Quent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris in erat justoac urna eu felis dapibus condin.

Mentum sit amet a augue sed non neque elit. Sed ut imperdiet nisi. Proin condimentum fermentum nunc. Etiam pharetra, erat sed fermentum feugiat, velit mauris egestas quam,ut iquam masendisse in orci enim tincidunt auctor a ornare.

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See who work for us
We hire only the best specialists

Kevin Perry

Elemen tumid

Brandon Ross

Vitae adipiscing

Jimmy Haze

Adipiscing turpis

Albert Smith

Quisque mattis

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